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Chrome Book Guidelines

CCPS Chromebooks

Students and Parents are required to complete the following prior to receiving their
Chromebook and Accessories:

1.) Students and Parents must view the Device Care video provided by Clayton County Public Schools.
2.) Students and Parents must sign the following two forms. Both forms need to be completed online in order for
students to receive a Chromebook. 
Form #1: Students and Parents must sign the Internet Acceptable Use Guidelines online.  
Form #2: Students and Parents must sign an ELBC User Agreement form online.


First page of the PDF file: ChromeBookFees
First page of the PDF file: SchoolCashLinks
First page of the PDF file: ChromeBookUseandGuide



Students are expected to bring their fully charged Chromebooks to school every day. 

If you forget your Chromebook or do not charge your Chromebook, you must call your parent and notify them,
and ask for your device and charger to be brought to school. 

School and County technology devices are only to be used for academic and school related assignments and assessments.
Please ensure that your technology use reflects this. Failure to cooperate will result in limited or no use of school
technology devices and possible disciplinary action.

If you are experiencing issues with your chromebook, troubleshooting steps should be attempted (close applications, logout, shutdown and restart, etc.) If the issue is not resolved with troubleshooting, notify a teacher who can submit a tech ticket for you.
If your device or accessories are damaged, lost, or stolen, replacement accessories will be available for purchase.
Notify a teacher immediately and a tech ticket will be submitted on your behalf.

First page of the PDF file: DeviceCareDoc