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PBIS Coaches Corner

PBIS Coaches Corner

Portia Whitlow(External Coach)

Taji Givens-PBIS CooachPBIS Team Lead- Brittany GilbertPBIS Behavior Specialist-David Hopson

PBIS Administrator-Catrina Edwards/Cedrick Coleman

PBIS Communicator-TJ Tompkins

PBIS Data Specialist- Dr. Denise Connor

PBIS Recorder/Timekeeper-April Terrell

PBIS Parent Representative-Kinnya Berry/Tunisia Watkins

Team Members: Tamara Cameron, Deanna Leland, Joewanzia Christopher, Nia Cummings, Edwina Smith

Coaches support their school-based teams by guiding the implementation process, ensuring the fidelity of PBIS implementation, and acting as liaisons between the PBIS District Coordinator and the school-based PBIS Team.

The PBIS Coach will also
1. Ensure the team is meeting regularly
2. Ensure in-depth record keeping (i.e., product book/live binder)
3. Help identify team member roles and ensure equal distribution of roles and responsibilities within the team
4. Ensure the team is using data for decision-making
5. Facilitate the multi-tiered systems of support process for behavior with school teams
6. Provide and participate in PBIS training and team meetings